BNN Bloomberg: An Interview with Calibre President & CEO Darren Hall

A Conversation Between Darren Hall, President & CEO and Petri Salopera, SVP Sustainability

Swiss Resource Capital German Resource Night, April 2024

Corporate Overview, Zurich Gold Forum, April 2024

Calibre Mining Corp - Record Full-Year Production

Calibre Discusses the News of the Share Buy Back Program, Put in Place in October 2023

GOLD: A JOURNEY WITH IDRIS ELBA by the World Gold Council

The Ker Report: An Interview with Calibre Mining - Comprehensive Exploration Update From Ongoing Drill Programs in Nicaragua

CXB: Profitable Gold Producer with 100,000 metre Drill Program to add Resources and Reserves, March 2023

Corporate Video


Síganos a medida que continuamos descubriendo, avanzando y generando valor para los accionistas.